South on Ellis / Sculpture and Site-specific Installation, 2013
traders / Participatory Art, 2015
The Phantom Tollbooth / Video Art, 2016
My father loved the Phantom Tollbooth, a children's book by Norton Juster. He taught it to his students when he was an 8th grade English teacher, before I was born. There is a scene in the book where letters of the alphabet are for sale in a market. They get knocked over and scrambled during a fight. I asked my dad if I could record him saying the 5000 most common words in English, so that I could build a program that would play my dad saying real sentences, but then also degenerate with random errors and scrambling, like how the letters are scrambled during the fight. I also hope to make this an interactive installation that allows the viewer to ask my dad to say whatever they want to hear, and my dad would respond. This is a prototype of the result, using a sentence from Turgenev's Fathers and Sons as a starting point.
Fresh & Local / Installation, 2016, in collaboration with Jocelyn Torbenson
Fresh & Local is an installation artwork that I co-produced while auditing a class on Social Art. It tells the story of a farm that employs legal immigrant workers in rural Utah. It also combines that story with the story of how the artists grew up growing fruit and vegetables, and with the story of how one of the artists was currently pregnant and thinking about growing her child inside of her. We use photographs, filmed interviews, sound recordings, found objects, and seeds to present a collage of impressions, encouraging the viewer to focus on the most interesting part of the narrative for themselves.
I made this piece in collaboration with Jocelyn Torbenson. I did the audio recording and editing, video recording and editing, photography, and graphic design for the installation.
I made this piece in collaboration with Jocelyn Torbenson. I did the audio recording and editing, video recording and editing, photography, and graphic design for the installation.
Viewers listened to tracks associated with each station in the installation. The tracks included music, field recordings, and found recordings. The connection between the track and the visual materials was not always obvious or linear.